12/03/2013 1 Minute Read

ESF Congress meets, elects officers and renews its focus with baseball on 2020 Olympics

The European Softball Federation and the Confederation of European Baseball held their first joint Congress from 15-17 February in Bled, Slovenia. The two federation realized ambitious goals of fostering closer cooperation on the road to returning baseball and softball to the Olympics in 2020, and holding joint congresses.

The European Softball Federation and the Confederation of European Baseball held their first joint Congress from 15-17 February in Bled, Slovenia. The two federation realized ambitious goals of fostering closer cooperation on the road to returning baseball and softball to the Olympics in 2020, and holding joint congresses.

These two federations propose to hold their next joint congress in 2014.

Also at the Congress, the ESF elected a new state of officers. The new Executive Council is as follows:

André van Overbeek (the Netherlands), President

Ami Baran (Israel), Secretary General

Eddie Van Straelen (Belgium), Treasurer

Gabriel Waage (Czech Republic), First Vice President

Youri Alkalay (Bulgaria), Dejan Jesic (Serbia), John Austin (Ireland), Mette Nissen Jakobsen (Denmark) and Gilbert Tobback (Belgium), Vice Presidents